Ten Speed Hero 

[Jersey Design]

In process design for a TSH cycling jersey. The original concept that we decided on was a TSH headqaurtes based on my love for designing miniature worlds. The precariously mounted research facility is where over the centuries movement and wheels have been studied from stone, to wood, to metal and carbon fiber, and beyond. Harkening to deep time, celestial wonder, seasons of change, and chance, TSH finds movement in poetry. Its an odd world. 

Bleeding, Pleading, Cursing by Elliott Stokes

[Book Design, Cover Image, and Foreword]

35mm cover image of Elliott at his studio. Handwritten title and signature.

Scanned documents from Elliott’s fathers oil business

Cover Art 

[Cover Art through the years] 

Acylic painted cover for Valee and Stan Lane, 2022

Covers for New Jersey based producer Good Food, 2021

Chicago artist Goldenboymnny’s “Bet On Me” digitally and physically drawn, painted, and designed, 2021

The first project with Valee and Stan Lane. Hand drawn, colored and assembled digitally. 2021


[Assorted flyers from my early years in design]